Artist: Top Level 7 (equivalent to "Heaven" in Christian mythology)
- They usually prefer to photograph attractive young women and are proud of it.
Whore: Level 6
- It is extraordinarily difficult for a successful whore to change styles once one has been accepted.
Amateur: Level 5
- Amateurs almost always shoot Canon SLRs.
Snapshooter: Level 4
- This is my mom and most people. These people want memories, as opposed to photographs or cameras.
Professional: Level 3
- Professionals spend very little time worrying about cameras, except when they need to get them repaired.
- There are no professional nature photographers. They all either have day jobs or make their wives support them.
Rich Amateur: Level 2
- Rich amateurs shoot Leicas, Contaxes, Alpas, Hasselblads and Linhof 4x5s.
- Today they mostly shoot Canon 1Ds-Mk IIs, 5Ds or Nikon D2X.
- Bad rich amateurs think fuzzy B/W images of poor people are art.
Equipment Measurbator: Bottom Level 1 (equivalent to "Hell" in Christian mythology)
- Most seem to come from technical avocations, like engineering, computers and sciences.
- Many of them also play with audio equipment, computers or automobiles.
Online Expert or Armchair Photographer: Level 0 (these guys don't take pictures so they aren't a level of photographer.)
- This level never existed before the internet, because cameras were never as exciting as sports cars or missiles for men to research.
- If I worked in an office and could waste my employer's time researching personal hobbies on the Internet, I'd rather look at pornography than research other people's cameras.
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